If you need to have your web site updated but don't want the burden of hiring of a full-time webmaster, we can help.
Our web maintenance service plans are designed for just about every small business size and type there is.
Maintenance plans are tailored to fit your exact needs so you only pay for what what you need.
Updating your site is as easy as a simple email and most changes are completed within 24 hours. Special updating
times can be arranged to ensure the least amount of inconvenience for your customers. Below we list some of the
web maintenance services we can provide.
Keeping Content Fresh
Using information provided by your staff we add new data or edit existing data on your web site. This content may
include product information, job opportunities, company information, staffing changes, contact or address changes,
press releases, etc.. If your company has any web presence at all, it is important to keep your online image
update-to-date with the most current information.
Repairing Dead Links
Even if you haven't changed your site in months, it is very possible that there are links on your site that are broken.
This most often occurs when other sites, that your site is linked to, change. As other sites update, delete or rename
pages, the links on your site that point to those pages need to be updatd as well. By having a web maintenance service
plan, you can ensure that dead links can be fixed as soon as they are discovered.
Site Management
Using state-of-the-art site management tools we can monitor your site and can make changes that may improve
your site performance. We can also provide "user" information such as where your visitors are coming from,
how many there are and what they look at while visiting your site.
Page Additions
The skills required to maintain a site are also the skills required to design and build a site. Using these skills we can
add pages and features to your site so you don't have to have your site put through an entire re-design. Our experience
maintaining your current site and the relationships developed during that process will help expedite and simplify the
addition process.
Choose To Have Your Website Created and Hosted by a Reputable Company, Choose Notable Web, Inc.